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RCC BPO Family

The effect of body language in your calls

Can your body language really be perceived by your customers while talking phone? Many might believe that this is not true, but the answer is yes! in fact, the posture you are in while on a call can affect many aspects of your voice.

Let's start with the basics to answer this question,

The first thing we know about conveying a message in a conversation is that there are two things involved: words and body language. The listener will then interpret these two and create an idea or response in return.

Now you might ask yourself which one is more important. People are surprised when they are presented with the statistic, which indicates that only 7% of the message is transferred and understood by the actual words used, 38% is transmitted by the manner in which the words are spoken, and 55% is all body language. You can argue that these statistics refer to face-to-face conversations. Logic tells us that if we have a conversation over the phone, we cannot see the body, which means that 55% of the method of transmitting the message will be lost. For this reason, one might argue that body language is not even taken into consideration when talking on the phone.

But this is not the case-the body also has a significant impact on our breathing patterns, which in turn has a significant impact on the way we speak. Also, depending on what emotion we are feeling, the muscles in our face will interact differently with our breathing and therefore make our voice change accordingly.

If we are angry, this can be seen in our facial expressions. If we are happy, this can be seen in our facial expressions. We have a lot of muscles on our faces-we have more muscles above the shoulders than below the shoulders! The movement of the muscles affects the sound of the voice. We've all heard comments like this-you can hear someone smiling; it's true. If we smile, our voice will be lighter and higher and express happiness. If we show anger on the face, the muscles will also affect our voice; it will be deeper and more stressful.

When a customer calls, the body language of the agent will still reflect their mood and feelings. It happens unconsciously. Who would stop and think: "Ah, the person I'm talking to can't see me, so I don't need to move my arms and use facial expressions"? In order to really engage with our customers, we need to sound persuasive, cheerful, and confident in what we are doing. The customer will detect if we are slouched over the cubicle and we sound bored when providing them with a service. Next time, try to be aware of your Body language and what message you deliver to the customer. You can even try different techniques to see what works best when engaging with the customers.

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