Ready Call Center (RCCBPO) is doing its part in the national COVID-19 response by making vaccines available to its staff through collaboration with health authorities.
RCCBPO said that it had over 300 employees vaccinated today, July 1, and that by week’s end, 100 percent of staff from Cayo, San Pedro, and Orange Walk will be vaccinated.
“So pushing Belize City now to set the example for other companies and do our part as a cooperate citizen,” company representative David Long told BBN.
The Ministry of Health and Wellness held a press briefing this week, explaining that, with the arrival of the more contagious Delta Variant of COVID-19 and an increase in the number of confirmed cases, there will be new COVID-19 prevention regulations implemented.
The MOHW stressed that the Astrazeneca Vaccine does combat the current known variant and that getting as many Belizeans as possible vaccinated will be an essential part of beating the pandemic and returning the country to a sense of normalcy.